How to live your life

Well, that’s a big question or is it? I’m not trying to answer it for you! More like for myself. Life is what’s happening while your busy making plans, someone ones said. He is dead now too, like we all gonna be soon. So why the heck are we taking it so damn serious?

I never liked the idea of having too many plans, that plan worked well for me. I mean of course I feel a bit guilty even writing about this subject, while I am aware that some people don’t even have the luxury to make hardly any choices. And then there are others, who just make bad choices. And for me: Cause I’m fucking cautions making the wrong choices, I have no children for example. I’m sure the other me with children at this point would say: You idiot, you missing out on the best. But then hey, I don’t know what I’m missing out on, and I think some readyness to settle down should be there, which I can’t subscribe to. I mean I’m almost like 40, whatever that means. A hundret years ago that meant dying soon. Now it means I something like mid-aged. Ask any 70 year old fella, he’s gonna tell you I’m a baby – and he’s right, it’s another 30 times 365 days and nights.

So lets just pretend for a second you have the luxury and the health to do choose what you wanna do. I mean sure, forget about all the richbitch fancyness, more like on a ’normal‘ level, what’s it gonna be? Well – for me right now it was choosing coming back to Bogota. By now I can even say I do like that eight or nine million city for real! Took some time, to not just like the buzzling feel of the many people. To see beyond the smog and the rain. Guess it’s normal, first your eye has to adjust to the raw brickwall building whitout any colorful plastering. Your senses have to get used to all that different feelings. Your ego has to adjust to more simple and „imperfect“ lifestyle. Shower with an instantaneous water heater is just not the same: You put it to the most possible minimum where it starts heating the water, which then is never boiling hot, and mostly only a few drops. A real hot water shower, that’s a real luxury!

So I’m back in Bogota, the capital of Colombia. A place of oportunities for many Colombians all over the country. A country which seems to be growing into the right direction. Whatever that means, I guess towards peace and into a level where more people have more oportunities, to whatever end that leads. There are so many beautiful girls of all colors and shapes, that the craving for beauty loses it’s importance to me. Even better: They not only look all kinds of ways, they are not all typical latina drama queens. There are so many ways to live here. Some of them very unhealthy. And even though there are so many temptations and even though there are so many expats with so much time on their hands: I am positively surprised by the foreigner I met. It’s not like on this carribean islands, where many people start drinking early in the morning and it’s just „so island“. So accepted, so normal. No, here it’s more like people having ideas, having their coffee plantation, their restaurant, or their idea to start a kebab chain, so many oportunities here. You can still have your small little business and live of it. You don’t have to think big. You still allowed to think small. You can sell fresh squized orange juice in the morning. Of course you can also think bigger. Like this whole airBNB generation changes the whole structure of short- and longterm rent totally. You can invest. Or also the whole tourism is still really growing. Colombia after all has the image of Colombia. Like Switzerland has has that image of Switzerland. This images are hard to change.

And so: Where does that leaves me? Hmmmm, I still have the excuse that I need to be more fluent in Spanish before I can seriously do something. This definitly is the truth, but on the other hand i’m not big in oportunities seeking. So I go with the flow, it took me a month to find a decent place to stay. But it’s important to have something which feels right. This one feels right: In the heart of town, but quiet. With a gas-chimenea (heating is not something many people have here!), big enough to be comfortable and with a nice layout: it has like an indoor terrace with an glassroof, which can be opened.


Next step is getting me a visa, that gives me the opportunity to stay in the country for a few years, without the hassle of running after officals any few month. Actually I almost had a first job as an extra. Even an extra who plays the ankorman, so I would have needed to speak some English. Obviously they found someone who actually speaks native english or looks better or both. Well I’m not to sad about it. Moneywise it pays only a meal in a better place. It was more for diversion, entertainment. I also wrote to Swiss Contact, a worldwide NGO to work for a project in the south of Bogota helping bettering the housing conditions of the really poor. They also didn’t wanted me. I could work as a german teacher and earn more than many people do here, like around eight millions, almost three thousand USD/CHF. I don’t really wanna be teacher, beeing a teacher is something you have to be born for. It again would be more something to get to know some new people. But with the more people I get to know I understand that the right thing will come up with time. I’m not in an hurry. I’m still recovering from the over achiving past. If I would believe in god I would say, god will show me the way.

Und hier noch etwas philosofisches zum Schluss, so gesehen in der Transmilenia. Dem wichtigsten oeffentlichen Trasportmittel in Bogota. Leider wurde es nie geschafft eine Subway zu bauen, Plaene bestehen seit 50 Jahren…


Si hay colados, todos pagamos el pato ->

Wenn es Schwarzfahrer hat, bezahlen wir alle die Ente!

Ein Gedanke zu „How to live your life

  1. life is a strange thing.
    Just when you think you learned how to use it,
    It’s gone. – Shakespears Sisters

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