– evolve grow progress – thrive

Evolve, grow, progress, thrive: Big words – the goal is actually much more humble: Less is more – basically

Less stress, less complexity in daily life, less doing – which also results in less money, less buying, less throwing away.
You can never run away from your own head and thoughts – but you can change your suroundings and through that more easily your habits.
Like: Less TV (if you don’t have one that helps), less smoking cigarettes (at work it’s just for the change of scenery, or is it?), less buying (less money helps here for sure too).

Of course you don’t have to change your suroundings to do so – but it seems definitily easier.

Also changing of scenery means people close to you are less close. At least physically – but lets not get to deep here and now, this is merely meant as an introduction.

I didn’t know if I still wanted an online diary thingy. I thought of using again. But then there has a lot been happening in the internet world since 2003 and
why not use the advantages. It’s not that I dismiss technology as such, as it is a logical evolution of mankind – it’s more like I can’t take any more of it – I feel the momentum as it
takes on and speeds up. How product cycles are getting shorter and, how social media evolves – users (or lets say data) means money – Pokemon Go is worth billions.
Nothing new? No. True since decades or even centuries but always more true… And always more confusing to me.

Anyways, lets also not get further into subjects like greed which we still have to overcome or why I would prefer to know how to plant potatoes instead of how the set up a router at this point.
Let’s just say „more time to be“ and „more time to be aware“ and „less distraction“ sounds like the ultimate luxury, which feels worth to achieve for whatever the price is. Slowing down, feeling the weeks and month floating next to you, with a constant sublte change to it, like walking hand in hand with time – instead of trying to outrun it and then realising it actually outran you.